Here's a newspaper article I recently uncovered from 1853 that refers to two of my 3rd-great-grandfathers, Martin Mower and James Parker. In addition, I believe the E. H. Gibbs included would be Ebenezer H. Gibbs, brother of my 2
nd-great-grandmother, Betsey (Gibbs)
Report on Farms
To the Trustees of the Penobscot Agricultural Society
The Committee appointed to examine Farms entered for the Society's premium for the year 1853, having attended to that duty would beg leave to report: That the whole number of farms entered were five, by the following persons, by Martin Mower of Bangor, E. H. Gibbs, Lowell Marston, and James Parker of Glenburn; and E. F. Crane of Kenduskeag.
In the examination of these farms, your committee were much gratified, in finding them in a prosperous and flourishing condition, not withstanding the last three successive dry seasons, that have exerted such an unfavorable influence on farming operations.
The first farm examined was that of E. F. Crane, containing about 110 acres of land, and about 70 under improvement; that is, to mowing, pasturing and tillage. The crops on this farm, excepting the hay crop, the convenience of buildings, the privilege of and convenience of water for the house and barns; the orchard and the improved breed of swine, were equal and perhaps superior to any other examined.
The second farm examined was that of Martin Mower, containing 100 acres of land. The soil of this farm is of a very superior character, and in all parts of it, very similar. It is capable of making one of the best of farms, as doubtless it will under the control and management of Mr. Mower, its owner; who being well versed in agricultural science, makes this knowledge available to practical purposes of agriculture. In manufacturing manure, Mr. Mower has few equals and less superiors.
The hay crop on this farm was tolerably good, and the turnip crop very superior.
The third farm examined was that of E. H. Gibbs, containing 125 acres of land, principally to mowing and pasturing. His barn was well filled with hay. On this farm which but a few years ago was grown up to bushes, unproductive and comparatively in a state of barrenness, now, by his energy and perseverance, has the appearance of neatness and thrift.
The fourth farm examined was that of Dr. Lowell Marston, containing 125 acres, mostly improved. This farm deserves particular attention. It consists of a variety of soils, which for descriptive purposes we will divide into high land, low land, and meadow land. The high land is used for pasturing. The lower land is laid up into sinks or beds, with an even curve, resembling a turnpike, and thirty six feet wide. This portion of the farm is under a high state of cultivation, producing from two to three tons of hay to the acre. The meadow land is improved and rendered more productive by the draining process. There were the most perfect specimens of ditches we ever saw, producing the most satisfactory results; some of them 60 to 79 rods in length, from two and a half to three feet deep, and to appearance perfectly straight. The turnpike that runs from the buildings through the farm, the fences, the sheds and cellars, for manufacturing and protecting manure, and whatever pertains to the management of the farm, were done in a workmanlike manner, and bore the appearance of order and neatness.
The fifth and last farm examined was the one presented by James Parker, Esq. of Glenburn, containing 140 acres. This was a very good farm, and with the energy and perseverance possessed by Mr. Parker thirty years ago, he would make it a pattern farm; and although Mr. Parker is on the down hill of life, yet his barns were filled with hay, his orchards with delicious fruit, and his flocks and herds in his fields, more than convinced us that he retained all of the judgment and prudence, and much of the vigor of his more youthful days.
The claims with some of the competitors were so equally ballanced [sic], it was with difficulty that your committee could determine to whom they should award the premium; but after a patient and careful examination and comparison, they at length came to the conclusion to award the Society's first premium.
To Lowell Marston of Glenburn, for the best farm, $8.
Second best to E. F. Crane of Kenduskeag, $4.
Third, to Martin Mower of Bangor, $2.
Respectfully submitted,
Per order,
SOURCE: Bangor Daily Whig & Courier (Bangor, Maine), 30 Sep 1853.