Friday, May 16, 2008

martin mower's thoughts on stock feeding

Here's an editorial written by Martin Mower in 1851 that appeared in the Bangor Daily Whig & Courier.

Stock Feeding
We have several times alluded to the improvements and experiments of Martin Mower, Esq., of this city, in his farmer operations. One thing is certain and obvious, that from some cause his farm makes a much better appearance than formerly, and is also much more profitable.
The following statement of his, relative to his method of feeding stock, will doubtless be interesting to our agricultural readers, and perhaps suggest to them some improvements:
"I have raised, the last season, one thousand bu. English rutabaga turnips at a cost satisfactory, and placed them in a cellar so constructed and ventilated as to keep them in perfect good order, at one end of which there is a cooking apartment where I have set a potash kettle covered steam-tight, which holds four bushels of turnips. To cook the turnips I add to them two pails of water, fetch them to a boil, and then close the furnace door. The following morning they are thoroughly cooked, and are then put into a half hogshead tub with one pint of salt, and mashed to the consistence and appearance of pumpkin prepared to put into past for pies. In this state they are given hot to twelve cows and a horse and devoured voraciously. In addition to this I give them as much straw and coarse hay as they will eat clean.
I give this, not as a result, but to elicit the views of your correspondents in conducting an experiment to a favorable result.
I ought to have said that the steam is carried some forty feet through a wooden pipe and condensed in the fodder, in the middle of the barn floor.
SOURCE: Bangor Daily Whig & Courier, Bangor, Maine, 27 Jan 1851

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