Sunday, February 17, 2008

1940 fire at the mower farm

Originating near an overheated stove in the milkroom of the George R. Mower dairy barn on the Pushaw Pond road in East Bangor at about 10 o'clock yesterday morning, fire caused damage estimated at $15,000 when it destroyed hundreds of dollars worth of modern dairy and farming equipment along with 30 tons of hay, 10 tons of straw, 6 tons of lime, 60 bushels of oats and a ton of fertilizer.
Only brilliant and courageous work by Bangor firemen saved the Mower home which is connected to the milkroom and barn by a small shed. Despite a strong wind blowing flames toward the house, firemen placed boards in front of themselves to shield them from the terrific heat and chopped the shed connecting the house and barn away to save the home. Assistant Chief Herbert Constantine supervised the laying of three lines of hose from a nearby brook with the aid of Engine 6 and the new Seagrave Pumper.
SOURCE: Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine), 1 Apr 1940.

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