Tuesday, October 30, 2007

marriage notice: martin mower and polly underhill

There is no record of the marriage in Lewiston, but we do have the following announcement which appeared in the Eastern Argus to help document the marriage of my 3rd-Great-Grandparents. Note that this is the first place I saw my grandmother, whose name is Mary on her gravestone and in the Mower Family History, listed with the nickname of Polly.

In Lewiston, by Danl. Read, Esq. Mr. Martin Mower, of Greene, to Miss Polly Underhill, of the former place.

SOURCE: Mower/Underhill matrimony notice, Eastern Argus, Portland, Maine, 10 Nov 1814, volume XII, issue 582, page 3; digital image from America's Historical Newspapers, accessed through New England Historic Genealogical Society (http://www.newenglandancestors.org).

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